China's automobile exports directly to Central Asia and Russia why in the Khorgos port interchange “road transportation”, not go “liner” it?

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China's automobile exports directly to Central Asia and Russia why in the Khorgos port interchange “road transportation”, not go “liner” it?

Sep 6th ,2024

This is China's largest automobile export land port - Horgos port. It is said that in the first half of the export of commercial vehicles through the highway port exceeded 75,000, an increase of 77.6% year-on-year.

Since the beginning of July to date, Horgos port has entered the long linestate, here in addition to scattered parallel exports and new cars exported in the name of second-hand, most of the host plant directly exported or authorized to export, both the host plant directly exported basically using the China-European liner (containers in the railroad ports) The previous direct export of OEMs basically used the China-Europe liner (container at the railroad port liftingto the train outside the country). Why suddenly do not choose to take the liner? Instead, through the cross-border double-decker cage carhighway port exit car transportation.

Here there are market reasons (road transportation flexibility and market players to enter the threshold is relatively low, sensitive to market demand response, but there are also security risks and the ability to bear the risk of liability), there are also non-market reasons (the liner program is subject to a variety of factors, there is the cost of the container itself, especially the return tripempty box cost more), especially since the Russian-Ukrainian war, there is a need for a more efficient and more efficient transportation system. There are also non-market reasons (the liner program is limited by a number of factors, as well as the cost of the containers themselves, especially the higher cost of empty returncontainers, and the sharp decreasein the number of China-to-Europe shipments through the Russian border, especially since the Russia-Ukraine war).

      In short, the cost and efficiency has been in the game at the same time, there are enterprises can not overcome the restrictive conditions, will increase the risk of international trade and uncertainty, if the profits are too low will be doomed to be unsustainable and losses, such as subprime crisis. Therefore, it is necessary to rationally view and treat the above issues, prepare in advance to avoid the emergence of a mess.
